by Kathie England

The Power of Poetry and Small Steps

Inspired by a chapter in Healing the Heart of Democracy by Parker Palmer, I invited friends to write poetry that reflected small steps and the challenges we face in our country. I asked them to write using Haiku or Cinquain forms of poetry.
My hope is that their poetry will inspire you to continue to take small steps in the midst of the despair many of us have felt over the past month from disasters caused by humans and nature.

All the steps are small Beginning to end moving step by step Only time until you arrive

One by one all together Put all the tiny steps in line The great reward is found

Greatest wall you’ve ever seen Built with bricks stacked end to end Many parts now are one

– By Bob Knopp, UnCommon Sense

People Fearful, angry Hurting, flailing, lashing Afraid to look inside their hearts Voters

Action Mindful, precise Piercing, standing, shining Spotlights on the underbelly  Truth-telling

– By David Poulshock, Red Door Films/Fix Features, LLC

Assembly  Static, angry Spinning, fighting, blocking A log in the stream Congress

Fright, a play to stage Step, the curtain parts Forward, the plot resolves

– By Janis Collins, writer and storyteller

I invite you to try your hand at writing poetry using either of these forms, Haiku or Cinquain. I’ll even send you the format guidelines for these two styles. (Email me at Or try your hand at another style.
I would be delighted to share your creation in a future monthly post for My 1000 Small Steps.