by Kathie England

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“My eyes are bigger than my calendar!”

That’s a thought shared by one of my clients several years ago and I totally relate to that thought about my blogging commitment.

I had mentioned that I’d be traveling a bit and didn’t think I’d have much opportunity to continue my new habit of blogging. I discovered I didn’t have any time between travels to do any blogging, so today is my first blog since I returned from attending the ACO Conference in Phoenix, AZ. (ACO stands for ADHD Coaches Organization.) I thoroughly enjoyed the conference and plan to write more in a future blog.

Today’s post is from an interview I read yesterday by Daniel Pink, the author of Drive, with Tom Rath, the author of Strengths Finder. (I’ve read both books and am a fan of both authors.)

Here is the snippet from the interview that I want to share. The book mentioned is Rath’s new book, Are You Fully Charged? The 3 Keys to Energizing Your Work and Life. (Have not read this one yet.)

Pink: In the final section of the book, you write, “Sitting may be the most underrated health threat of this generation.” Yet I’d bet that most people reading this right now are on their butts. What can we do to sit less and move more?

Rath: Stop worrying about exercise. Sitting less and taking a few more steps each day is a better place to start. It can be as simple as pacing around whenever you are on the phone, finding ways to work on a laptop while you stand occasionally, or settling for a parking spot that adds a few extra steps instead of circling the lot to minimize activity. Once you have added enough activity to hit 10,000 steps a day, then worry about the (more intimidating) thought of daily cardiovascular exercise.

I was eager to share this comment because I had mentioned the perspective that “sitting is the new smoking” in one of my recent posts.

How many steps will you take today?